North Anti Clock: generates opportunity and growth

NNE Anti Clock: improvise health and immunity

NE Anti Clock: provides more clarity and opportunities in life

ENE Anti Clock: bring happiness, joy in life

East Anti Clock: establish more social connections

ESE Clock Wise: reduce anxiety and stress

SE Clockwise: control aggression

SSE Anti Clock: increase mental and physical strength

South Anti Clock: increase name and fame

SSW Clockwise: to reduce wastage of money and efforts

SW Anti Clock: provide stability and skill

WSW Anti Clock: increase ability of know how

West Anti Clock: help in gains and growth in life

WNW Clockwise: help to main emotional balance

NW Anti Clock: help in facilitating support when required

NNW Anti Clock: help in building foundation of strong relationship

North Anti Clock: generates opportunity and growth

NNE Anti Clock: improvise health and immunity

NE Anti Clock: provides more clarity and opportunities in life

ENE Anti Clock: bring happiness, joy in life

East Anti Clock: establish more social connections

ESE Clock Wise: reduce anxiety and stress

SE Clockwise: control aggression

SSE Anti Clock: increase mental and physical strength

South Anti Clock: increase name and fame

SSW Clockwise: to reduce wastage of money and efforts

SW Anti Clock: provide stability and skill

WSW Anti Clock: increase ability of know how

West Anti Clock: help in gains and growth in life

WNW Clockwise: help to main emotional balance

NW Anti Clock: help in facilitating support when required

NNW Anti Clock: help in building foundation of strong relationship

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